2023 Futures

All prices are including VAT but excluding transport.
Please see below "Futures campaign".

The logo "bio" indicates the wine in organic culture in official under reserve of certification after bottling.

The campaign "Futures 2023" will stop on 2025 July 31st, in the limit of the available stock.

Offer & Newsletter Futures 2023

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 You can also sort all the wines in our selection by release date.

  • 6811
    Futures 2023 Médoc
    • Red
    140,40 € incl. VAT

    The incessant work of Mr. and Mrs. Dief since 2000 is bearing fruit today: in a tense and distinguished style, Clos Manou shines with a vibrant, deep energy, with pure and radiant fruit, combining length and density. Undoubtedly the most beautiful revelation of the northern Médoc in recent vintages.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 90-92/100 « Comme à son habitude, cette propriété élabore un vin très charmeur et délicieux, habilement élevé et doté de beaucoup de fruit. Une valeur sûre à la belle évolution prévisible. » 
    Bettane & Desseauve : 91-92/100 ♥ Coup de cœur
     « Axé sur le fruit, intense et précis, texture dense avec des tannins ronds 
    et de la fraîcheur en finale. Style chaleureux et charmeur, bien fait. »
    Le Point : 17/20 « Baies noires, bouche en attaque, tendue ensuite. Fin, élégant, droit, long, finale saline, très persistant. »
    Quarin : 92/100 « Couleur sombre, intense et pourpre. Nez aromatique, au fruité frais et épicé et pour la première fois mentholé. Délicatement charnu en entrée de bouche, aromatique au milieu, avec une construction impeccable où tout glisse dans un grand équilibre, le vin s'achève long et séveux. On halète en finale. »
    Galloni : 88-90/100 « The 2023 Clos Manou is a bold, juicy Médoc. Plum, spice, leather, cedar and dried herbs are nicely pushed forward. The 2023 is a but rustic as this stage, but it has potential. Pretty top notes brighten the finish. »
    Martin : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Clos Manou has a clean and precise nose of earthy black fruit, with touches of freshly rolled tobacco following through with aeration. The palate is medium-bodied and finely proportioned, with gentle grip and a keen line of acidity. There is a build in the mouth absent in many of its peers, as well as unquestionably greater persistency. Excellent. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    70% Cabernet sauvignon, 22% Merlot, 8% Petit verdot
  • 6807
    Futures 2023 Médoc
    • Red
    67,70 € incl. VAT

    Second wine of Clos Manou, the Médoc as we like it: generous, sweet and balanced by a good vivacity. A real treat!

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    52% Merlot, 42% Cabernet sauvignon, 3,5% Petit verdot, 2,5% Cabernet franc
  • 6806
    Futures 2023 Haut-médoc
    • Red
    65,50 € incl. VAT

    A family property since the 1950s, the arrival of a new generation has awakened this 32-hectare cru bourgeois in Cussac-Fort-Médoc, between Saint-Julien and Margaux. Revealed in 2012, du Retout climbs another notch in 2018 and 2019 with enthusiastic, sincere and tasty Haut-Médoc, full of fruit and carried by fresh tannins. Congratulations!

    See the technical sheet

    Quarin : 90/100 « Nez très aromatique, au fruité mûr, épicé, vanillé et pour la première fois plus floral que jamais. Moelleux en entrée de bouche, très aromatique au milieu, avec un grand équilibre dans le déroulé, le vin avance juteux, savoureux, sur un des grains de tannin les plus nuancés dans ce cru. Qu'il est doux de remarquer que sur ces terroirs réputés austères, le travail des hommes a permis de révéler un potentiel de parfums jusqu'alors caché. De l'art de faire bouger les lignes. Bravo ! »
    Martin : 85-87/100 « The 2023 Château du Retout has an intense and perfumed bouquet with layers of black cherries, red plum and a hint of camphor emerging with time. The palate is medium-bodied with a sweet entry, maybe just a little too saccharine compared to the best Haut-Médocs, although it does offer a sense of lusciousness that I appreciate. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    80% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot
  • 6786
    Futures 2023 Côtes de Castillon
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    156,20 € incl. VAT

    With 12 hectares cultivated in biodynamic farming, certified since the 2007 vintage, Clos Puy-Arnaud is one of the great Côtes de Castillon wines that have nothing to envy to neighbouring Saint-Émilion.

    Uncompromising, the great wine that has made the estate's reputation is an authentic cuvée, straightforward, deep and made for laying down.

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 91/100 « Beau raffinement avec un tannin délié délicat et un fruit vif et énergique. »
    Quarin : 89/100 
    « Couleur sombre et intense. Nez un peu discret et fruité. Délicat en entrée de bouche, savoureux au milieu, le vin glisse sur le palais, charnu, agréable, sur une longueur moyenne. »
    Galloni : 90-93/100 « The 2023 Clos Puy Arnaud is a huge, powerful, intense wine with a ton of fruit density. This feels a bit heavy and overdone - unusually so. Sark fruit and mocha linger. We will see where this goes. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    Organic certification:
  • 6846
    Futures 2023 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    302,40 € incl. VAT

    Always black with ink, always deliciously fat and sweet, always St-Julien and above all always regular. Supervised by Mr. Derenoncourt since 2009, Talbot has gained in intensity and aromatic precision.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 92-94/100 « L’échantillon était légèrement marqué par une petite prise de bois aux notes fumées. La matière est très belle, avec une texture fine, beaucoup de distinction et de raffinement. Nul doute qu’il se mettra en place. » 
    Bettane & Desseauve : 93/100 ♥ Coup de cœur 
    « Forte couleur, nez sur les fruits noirs, corps équilibré, tannin ferme, il a besoin de temps pour s’épanouir complètement, ce que permettra l’élevage. »
    Le Point : 17/20 
    « Un équilibre presque parfait pour un vin digeste avec de la fraîcheur. Nez cassis et mûre, bouche douce en attaque, tanins veloutés, délicats. »
    Quarin : 92/100 
    « Couleur intense et pourpre. Nez moyennement aromatique, au fruité mûr. Délicat en entrée de bouche, savoureux au milieu, avec un toucher élégant, le vin évolue ascendant, savoureux et long, avec du goût, de la présence et des tannins fins. »
    Galloni : 93-95/100 
    « The 2023 Talbot is another strong wine for this re-emerging estate. Powerful, deep and impressively resonant, the 2023 is striking. Dark-toned fruit, new leather, lavender and dried herbs build over time. There's terrific depth and intensity here, with fine balance to match. »
    Martin : 91-93/100 
    «  Quite precise with blackberry, cedar and light pencil box scents, there is a Pauillac-like tincture here. The palate is medium-bodied with finely chiseled, grainy tannins. It's overtly classic in style, albeit with more mid-weight depth compared to some vintages of Talbot. Displaying fine cohesion and sapidity, this fans out on the finish, with a deft touch of white pepper livening things up. This is a very promising Talbot, and I may actually prefer it to the previous vintage. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    77 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 % Merlot, 3 % Petit Verdot
  • 6837
    Futures 2023 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    141,00 € incl. VAT

    Second wine of Talbot, creamy and quickly accessible.

    See the technical sheet

    Martin : 87-89/100 « The 2023 Connetable Talbot contains some Petit Verdot in the blend, as two plots were deselected from the Grand Vin. It has a well-defined bouquet, predominantly black fruit laced with tabacco and touches of sous-bois. There is a sorbet-like freshness here. The palate is medium-bodied with a crunchy entry. Alinear and nicely focused Connetable in the making, this shows a little more depth on the finish compared to recent vintages. Fine. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    56 % Merlot, 41 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 3 % Petit Verdot
  • 6753
    Futures 2023 Bordeaux dry white
    • Dry white
    231,60 € incl. VAT

    Based on Sauvignon (with a hint of Semillon), Caillou Blanc has been presented for 50 years as the archetype of Médoc dry white wine: pale colour, between delicate freshness and aromatic distinction (citrus fruits, bitter orange, honeysuckle), never too full or demonstrative. And always reasonably positioned in terms of price.

    See the technical sheet

    Martin : 88/100 « The 2023 Caillou Blanc has a pretty bouquet with orchard fruit, touches of orange blossom and grapefruit thanks to the 71% Sauvignon Blanc. The palate is fresh on the entry: green apple mixed with pear and a dab of lemongrass, with decent length. This is very Graves-like this year. Drink it over the next four to five years. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    71 % Sauvignon Blanc, 29 % Sémillon
  • 6871
    Futures 2023 Pauillac
    • Red
    3 420,00 € incl. VAT

    Appointed cellar master in 1994, Mr. Chevallier focused on developing Lafite-Rothschild wines without losing any of the characteristic bouquet of blackcurrant, graphite and cedar. This objective was quickly achieved, placing Lafite at the top of the 1st classified growths (this was already the case in 1855), and revered as such by the Chinese market. The incredible qualities of Lafite's terroir make it a unique vintage and give Cabernet Sauvignon (more than 90% present each year) its most beautiful aromatic expressions.

    The great 2020 vintage was awarded the supreme score of 100/1000 by the Revue du Vin de France: "Spectacular, bordering on perfection".

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 97-98/100 « Comme c’est le cas depuis une dizaine d’années, l’assemblage se compose de plus de 90 % de cabernet-sauvignon. Le vin est très épuré, longiligne, persistant, délicatement enrobé. Le fruit pur scintille et la finale est formidablement persistante. Ultra-classique. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97-98/100 ♥ Coup de cœur « Extrême finesse aromatique, corps excellent, intégration harmonieuse et immédiate du boisé. Un des sommets du millésime. »
    Le Point : 19/20 
    « Réglisse, violette, bouche dense, tendue, serrée, du fruit et de la densité. Tannique, plein, assez accrocheur. Très tonique. »
    Quarin : 97/100
     « Nez très aromatique et de suite complexe. [...] Charnu en entrée de bouche, avec de suite beaucoup de goût au milieu et de la classe dans le toucher, le vin gagne du gras dans son déroulé. Il monte vers une finale riche en parfums et délicatement tramée. C'est délicieux. »
    Galloni : 95-98/100 « The 2023 Lafite-Rothschild races out of the glass with notable textural intensity. Explosive and deep, with striking balance, Lafite dazzles in this vintage. The 2023 is a somber, virile Lafite endowed with remarkable depth and tons of sheer character. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « This takes time to unfurl in the glass, slowly revealing black fruit laced with pencil box and just a touch of pressed violet. There's wonderful precision here. The palate is medium-bodied with a cashmere texture, very pure (again) with a judicious dab of cracked black pepper. The finish is very sleek, thanks to its almost filigree tannins, seeming to glide across the palate.  »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    93% Cabernet sauvignon, 6% Merlot, 1% Petit verdot
  • 6862
    Futures 2023 Pauillac
    • Red
    475,20 € incl. VAT

    Known for producing one of the firmest and tightest (even robust) Pauillacs available, Duhart-Milon has since 2010 refined its style to gradually approach that of Lafite (same owner and same team). New direction and progress amply confirmed, with an unprecedented charm and fatness from the 2015 vintage onwards. Given the quality of its terroir (the only 4th Grand Cru Classé in Pauillac), Duhart-Milon has certainly not finished its progression.

    As the latest Bettane & Desseauve guide (2025) points out, “So many changes in recent vintages, with a great wine that has rediscovered the depth and dimension of the greatest Pauillacs”!

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 93-94/100 « Le cru aligne une belle série de millésimes, et le 2023 s’inscrit comme un Duhart très classique et classieux. La bouche est vibrante, tendue, légèrement crémeuse, avec des cabernets mûrs et raffinés. 
    Bettane & Desseauve : 94-95/100 ♥ Coup de cœur 
    « Par son corps, sa texture, sa noblesse tannique, ce 2023 nous a semblé le plus digne du potentiel de terroir propre au cru, avec un rapport qualité-prix évidemment intéressant. Les progrès se confirment. »
    Le Point : 17/20 
    « Joli nez, pur, baies noires, bouche élégante, longue, milieu de bouche construit avec des tanins veloutés, finale relevée, un peu pimentée, juteuse. »
    Quarin : 93/100
     « Minutieux en entrée de bouche, très savoureux au milieu, le vin caresse le palais avant de prendre de la puissance en finale. Ceci fait tout en restant sur le registre du charme. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Duhart-Milon is seriously impressive. Dark, virile and brooding in its intensity, the 2023 screams with Cabernet Sauvignon character. Plum, blackberry, incense, leather, grilled herbs and licorice lend notable textural resonance and pure power. There's a good bit of tannin, so patience is a must. A virile, authoritative wine, Duhart- Milon is hugely promising in this edition. »
    Martin : 93-95/100 « The palate is medium-bodied with saturated tannins that belie the backbone of this Pauillac. That graphite element is accentuated in the mouth and controls the classic finish that could only come from this appellation. This is excellent, but patience is required. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    80% Cabernet sauvignon, 20% Merlot
  • 6869
    Futures 2023 Pauillac
    • Red
    1 260,00 € incl. VAT

    Second wine of Lafite-Rothschild.

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 93/100 « Le vin continue à se rapprocher du style du grand vin, avec un corps et des sensations tactiles qui s’épanouissent à l’aération. »
    Le Point : 16.5
    /20 « Bouche juteuse, tendue, fraîche, serrée. Beaucoup de gourmandise dans un vin pourtant sérieux. »
    Quarin : 94/100 « Moelleux en entrée de bouche, avec de la présence, le vin glisse, parfume et fond au palais. Il avance en gagnant beaucoup de saveurs dans la persistance. Cette puissance aromatique dominée par le fruit noir, sans aucun angle tannique, fait toute son identité. Il y a un aspect château Le Pin dans le Carruades. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Carruades de Lafite is a very pretty, sensual wine that very much captures the personality of the Grand Vin, naturally in a more approachable style. [...] I have to say, there is something very direct about the 2023-something frank that is really evident. I admire its purity. Succulent red plum, spice, cedar, tobacco and a lifting touch of white pepper open first, while beautifully persistent saline undertones extend the finish. »
    Martin : 91-93/100 « It has a far superior bouquet to some of the vintages I was tasting a decade or so ago-much more purity and precision, with notes of black plum, wild strawberry and a touch of cassis. The palate is medium-bodied with a silky texture and a crisp line of acidity. It's fresh, precise and saline, with a long tail on the finish. This is surely one of the best Carruades I have tasted at this stage. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    60% Cabernet sauvignon, 40% Merlot
  • 6919
    Futures 2023 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    756,00 € incl. VAT

    Self-taught, Jean-Luc Thunevin and his wife Murielle got their start in the Bordeaux vineyards when they bought a tiny 0.6 hectare plot in Saint-Émilion, near Pavie-Macquin. Produced in minute quantities, vinified with the means at hand but with meticulous care, Valandraud soon made a name for itself, to the point of giving rise to the 'garage wine' movement in the 1990s.

    Now with a vineyard of almost 11 hectares on the cooler limestone terroirs of Saint-Etienne de Lisse (on the eastern edge of the appellation) and a bioclimatic cellar allowing gravity-fed vinification, Valandraud is now a Premier Grand Cru Classé in its own right.

    See the technical sheet

    Le Point : 18/20 « Beaucoup de fraîcheur, baies sauvages, ronces, bouche délicate, racée, tanins fins, veloutés, bien enrobés, finale relevée. »
    Quarin : 97/100
     « Couleur noire. Nez intense, fin, fruité, pur et subtil. Moelleux en entrée de bouche, particulièrement gras au milieu, le vin évolue dense et complexe, avec de la classe dans le toucher de bouche. Il fond en finale noble, profond, sur une grande longueur savoureuse, au grain fin. »
    Galloni : 95-97/100 « The 2023 Valandraud is a full-throttle, opulent Saint-Emilion endowed with notable textural richness and tons of intensity. This really feels pushed to the edge, but it pulls back at the very last second. Inky dark fruit, chocolate, new leather, licorice and menthol saturate the palate. I image tha the 2023 will require a number of years to shed some of its baby fat. »
    Martin : 93-95/100 « The 2023 Valandraud delivers exactly what you expect on the nose from Jean-Luc Thunevin's crown jewel: very polished scents of black cherries, cassis and crushed violets. [...] The palate is rich and fruit-driven with layers of black fruit. The sample at the château showed more backbone and grip, a healthy sprinkling of cracked black pepper and a long and persistent finish. Give this three to five years, because it is a seriously good Saint-Émilion. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    84% Merlot, 8% Cabernet sauvignon, 8% Cabernet franc
  • 6904
    Futures 2023 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    201,60 € incl. VAT

    With today 11 ha, the vineyard of Valandraud allows Mr. Thunevin to tighten his selections for the great wine and his second, Virginie de Valandraud (there is a 3rd, Clos Badon, and even a 4th wine!). Rich in colour, always delicious with an elegant tannic structure, Virginie de Valandraud makes those who think that second wines have no soul lie.

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 92-93/100 « Toucher de tannin satiné, vin séveux de grand charme structurel et aromatique, paré d’accents délicieux de myrtille et de mûre. »
    Le Point : 16.5-17/20 
    « Fruits rouges, beaucoup de fraîcheur, fruité frais, net, tanins fins, racés, beaucoup de jus, harmonieux, feuillage, long. »
    Quarin : 90/100
     « Couleur sombre et belle. Joli nez très aromatique, fin, pur, sentant bon les fruits noirs. Bouche immédiatement hédoniste, se développant grasse, sur un corps fondant. Ce dernier prend de la puissance en finale, légèrement accompagné par une touche toastée, mais aussi beaucoup d'arômes. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    90% Merlot, 5% Cabernet franc, 5% Cabernet sauvignon
  • 6757
    Futures 2023 Bordeaux dry white
    • Dry white
    453,60 € incl. VAT

    The great white wine of Ch. Valandraud, with a sparkling sap and balance. With only 4000 bottles produced, it is a nugget that will do wonders on the table in 5 years (to take advantage of its youthful brilliance) or in 15 years.

    A blend of predominantly Sauvignon Gris and Sauvignon Blanc grapes, topped up with Semillon.

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 96/100 « Il y a de l’onctuosité en attaque, dynamisée par une suite en tension, la salinité donne de l’élan à la finale de style. »
    Quarin : 95/100 
    « Couleur jaune vert. Nez intense, au fruité mûr et subtil. Notes de menthe poivrée à l'agitation du verre. Gras à l'attaque, complexe en milieu de bouche, avec une saveur originale de fruits exotiques, le vin se développe minutieux et fondant. Il s'achève long et incrachable. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Valandraud Blanc is a rich, textured white with tons of appeal. Today, the aromatics are not totally defined, but that is not unusual for dry whites tasted from barrel. What impresses most about the Blanc is its overall presence and persistence. To be sure, this is one of the more extroverted dry whites in Bordeaux. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    53% Sauvignon gris, 40% Sauvignon blanc, 7% Sémillon
  • 6864
    Futures 2023 Pauillac
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    554,40 € incl. VAT

    Contiguous to Mouton-Rothschild, Pontet-Canet is in good vintages the very type of great Pauillac, straight and racy. The first of the Grands Crus Classés to be certified "organic" (in 2010), Pontet-Canet has been at the top of the Médoc since 2000.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-96/100 « 2023 a engendré les plus longues vendanges de l’histoire du cru, soit trente-quatre jours. Une nécessité pour amener les cabernets à leur point de maturité et leur permettre de développer le soyeux typique du cru. C’est encore un vin très velouté, délié, mais aussi persistant et éclatant dans une finale qui tapisse la bouche. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 96-97/100 ♥ Coup de cœur 
    « Pureté de saveur et de texture admirables, tannin soyeux, grande persistance. Le vin qu’on attend et qui a rendu le cru célèbre. »
    Le Point : 18/20
      « Nez chêne frais, bouche délicate, élégante, fraîche, tendre, tanins fins, matière et délicatesse. Déjà savoureux, salivant. » « The 2023 Pontet-Canet is a powerful, impressively constituted wine. Dark, vibrant and sensual in the glass, the 2023 is somber and mysterious in bearing. Black plum, gravel, lavender, graphite and licorice all meld together in the glass. More than anything else, the 2023 is incredibly well put together. [...] This is a gorgeous and hugely promising Pontet-Canet. I especially admire its finely cut precision and soaring aromatics. »
    Martin : 93-95/100 « The 2023 Pontet Canet, [...] has a very pure bouquet with dark cherries, blackcurrant and touches of vanilla, cohering over the course of ten minutes in the glass. The palate is medium-bodied, with very supple tannins matched by a keen line of acidity. There is plenty of creaminess on the mid-palate, fine grip and a pinch of black pepper toward the finish. Very fine. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    52% Cabernet sauvignon, 39% Merlot, 6% Cabernet franc, 3% Petit verdot
    Organic certification:
  • 6853
    Futures 2023 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    1 166,40 € incl. VAT

    Intended for very long ageing in the cellar (at least 10 years even in small vintages), the wines of Léoville-Las Cases represent in each vintage one of the most perfect and purest expressions of the Médoc vineyard. As Wine Advocate has written, "Léoville-Las Cases looks more and more like Lafite rather than its close neighbour Latour".

    Every vintage, Léoville-Las Cases is one of the contenders for the title of "best Bordeaux of the year", as once again with its 2020, rated 98+/100 by M. Galloni "Las Cases is one of the wines of the 2020 vintage, there is no doubt about that" and 99-100/100 by the Revue du Vin de France "a superlative wine for its depth, richness, but above all its definition".

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 97-98/100 « Composé à 96 % de cabernets, ce 2023 est fantastique de définition et de puissance. La matière, tout en muscle, est éclatante, juteuse et les tanins sont parfaitement extraits. Mais c’est une fois encore la finale qui impressionne par son allonge et son éclat. » 
    Quarin : 97/100
    « Nez intense, fin, pur, fruité et subtil. Plus floral que d'habitude. [...] Ample à l'attaque, juteux en milieu de bouche et complexe dans ses arômes, le vin prend ses aises. Puis il subjugue éclatant de fruits, caressant, en nous offrant une grande finale séveuse et profonde, au grain de tannin fin. »
    Galloni : 94-97/100 « The 2023 Léoville Las Cases is a wine of understatement and class. [...] It's a rather intellectual Las Cases, a wine with tremendous potential, but also a wine that is quite reserved at this early stage. Time in the glass brings out hints of blueberry, graphite, spice and mocha. It will be interesting to see where this goes. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « This has a very precise bouquet, and, like the Clos du Marquis, it is imbued with an attractive estuarine element- aromatics that transport the imbiber to the banks of the Gironde. [...] This is a more linear Las-Cases than recent vintages, conveying a sense of "seriousness" toward the almost saturnine finish. Impressive in terms of persistence, this is a worthy follow-up to the magnificent 2022, but it will demand patience. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    86% Cabernet sauvignon, 10% Cabernet franc, 4% Merlot
  • 6889
    Futures 2023 Pomerol
    • Red
    403,20 € incl. VAT

    Nénin is like Léoville-Las Cases (same owner): a great wine, straight, tight, with a lot of length and always excellent ageing potential. In great shape in the last vintages, as Bettane&Desseauve underlines "In constant progress for its structural and aromatic precision, it is now in the court of the greatest".

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 93-95/100 « Étonnant d’ouverture, ce 2023 offre un style épanoui. Nous retrouvons l’expression classique de Nénin, avec un fruit bien mûr sans excès. 3 % de cabernet-sauvignon entrent cette année dans l’assemblage, attribuant un caractère impérial et noble à l’ensemble. Ils se perçoivent surtout en bouche, avec un toucher pulpeux mais moins riche qu’à l’accoutumée, et surtout une acidité plus soulignée. Un style convivial qui pourrait s’exprimer au mieux dès la prime jeunesse. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 95/100 ♥ Coup de cœur 
    « C’est la première année où 3 % de cabernet-sauvignon se marient parfaitement aux 30 % de cabernet franc, ce qui donne encore plus de longueur et de finesse au vin. Notes de fleurs poivrées et petite touche saline qui relance l’ensemble. »
    Quarin : 94/100 
    « Nez intense, fin, pur, au fruité mûr. Ensemble subtil que je qualifie pour la première fois de complexe. Minutieux en entrée de bouche, savoureux au milieu, avec du goût et un toucher noble, le vin évolue délicieux, complet et long. Une grande réussite. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Nénin is a classy wine that marries power with nuance. Cabernet Franc plays a prominent role here, and that comes through in its aromatic presence and overall feel. There's also a touch of Cabernet Sauvignon, which no doubt contributes to the wine's profile as well. Rose petal, mocha, spice, licorice, leather and cedar are all laced together in this powerhouse Pomerol. I can't wait to see where this goes. »
    Martin : 90-92/100 « It is the first vintage including 3% Cabernet Sauvignon from a parcel located near Trotanoy. There is quite an attractive marine/sea spray element in the aromatics that lends freshness, certainly elevating it above the Fugue. The palate is medium-bodied with a fresh entry and fine acidity, quite saline in the mouth with a liberal sprinkling of black pepper on the finish. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    67% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 3% Cabernet Sauvignon
  • 6884
    Futures 2023 Pomerol
    • Red
    162,60 € incl. VAT

    Second wine of Nénin. A beautiful material, with a well mastered breeding: this is an excellent introduction, at a reasonable price, to the world of Pomerol.

    See the technical sheet

    Quarin : 87/100 « Assurément le nez le plus précis jamais vu ici et la bouche jamais aussi pomerolaise. Certes, un peu légère, mais charmante. »
    Galloni : 89-91/100 « The 2023 Fugue de Nénin is potent, explosive second wine. A burst of dark fruit, violet, chocolate, spice and leather announces a wine that packs a serious punch. Today, the young 2023 is quite exuberant and dense, almost shockingly so for a second label. »
    Martin : 84-86/100
    « The 2023 Fugue de Nenin has a straightforward but well-defined bouquet with black cherry fruit, the warmth of the late summer season imparting a scintilla of opulence. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    93% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Franc
  • 6812
    Futures 2023 Médoc
    • Red
    126,60 € incl. VAT

    With remarkable consistency, Potensac has been one of the most regular crus bourgeois in the northern Médoc for 30 years, proof of the know-how of the Léoville-Las Cases team (same owner). Its ability to age is always surprising, even and especially in the "early years".

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 91-93/100 « La proportion de cabernets monte progressivement et le vin prend une dimension plus stricte, mais aussi plus racée. Tendu, mais avec du volume et des tanins structurants, il s’inscrit comme un Potensac de garde. » 
    Quarin : 89/100
    « Couleur sombre et pourpre. Nez aromatique, au fruité mûr. Bouche juteuse, savoureuse, à la saveur franche de fruits mûrs. Finale de longueur normale. Tannicité enrobée. »
    Galloni: 91-93/100 « The 2023 Potensac is a seriously beautiful wine that shows just how complex and nuanced wines from this property can be. Crushed flowers, spice, red/purplish fruit, rose petal and mint are some of the notes that lift from the glass. Bright saline tones underpin the mid-palate and finish. This is one of the most complete young Potensacs I can recall tasting. »
    Martin : 90-92/100
    « The 2023 Potensac has a well-defined nose: predominantly black fruit, with touches of seaweed in the background. I warm to it more with acquaintance, and it gradually coheres. The palate is medium- bodied with pliant tannins and a fine line of acidity. Silky-smooth in texture, you can tell that there is some quality new oak on the finish, which is simpatico with the fruit. It's a good, solid Potensac that will require three or four years in bottle. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Potential alcohol:
    48% Cabernet Franc, 35% Merlot, 17% Cabernet Franc
  • 6787
    Futures 2023 Côtes de Castillon
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    235,20 € incl. VAT

    Started in 2003, the adventure of Clos Louie is a textbook case: doll's vineyard (2.3 ha) on a beautiful clay-limestone terroir of Castillon, very old vines (150 years old!) mostly Merlot and red tail malbec, careful biodynamic cultivation, double manual sorting during the harvest, little interventionist vinification, gentle maturing in 500-litre demi-muids. A true artist's wine, absent from the guides but that informed amateurs know well.

    Bettane & Desseauve : 92/100 ♥ Coup de cœur « Belle découverte avec ce castillon au tannin caressant qui affiche un beau fruit, de l’énergie et une texture parmi les plus accomplies. »« Couleur noire. Nez très aromatique, au fruité bien mûr. Délicat en entrée de bouche, savoureux au milieu, le vin évolue assez vite tannique, sur une longueur normale. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    Organic certification:
  • 6766
    Futures 2023 Sauternes
    • Sweet white
    267,30 € incl. VAT

    Classified among the first growths of Sauternes during the classification of 1855, the vineyard of Rayne Vigneau (84 hectares, including 62 in one piece) is famous for its soil, which is well known to geologists, as it is composed of a great variety of precious minerals of Pyrenean origin. Without losing sight of these "luxurious" origins " Rayne Vigneau offers smooth, easily accessible wines with floral aromas that are particularly marked in their youth.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-98/100 « L’opulente liqueur est soutenue par un socle de fermeté qui ne quitte jamais la dégustation. C’est un grand vin complet, pur, encore proche du moût frais dans son expression miellée et citronnée, mais déjà d’une prestance remarquable. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 96-97/100 
    « Monumental et noblement rôti, long en bouche avec un cachet remarquable né de son terroir respecté par la vinification. Grand rapport qualité-prix. »
    Le Point : 18/20
     « Crème anglaise, séveux, bouche ample, riche, une liqueur pure et dense. Bon équilibre, long, un botrytis pur. »
    Quarin : 95/100 
    « Bouche ample, suave, juteuse, avec de la profondeur dans la sucrosité, le tout sur un corps aérien et sans lourdeur. Très belle finale racée, accompagnée par des touches de réglisse et framboise. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Rayne Vigneau is a wild, exotic Sauternes. Pear, jasmine, tropical fruit and hints of white truffle are some of the many aromas and flavors that give the 2023 its complex, wonderfully dynamic personality. Understated, airy and nuanced, Rayne Vigneau is compelling in 2023. »
    Martin : 92-94/100 « The palate is sorbet-fresh on the entry with tangy marmalade, peach and saffron notes. There is an undercurrent of stem ginger that lends a bit more complexity on the finish. Once the aromatics cohere, as I am sure they will, this will constitute a fine Sauternes. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    72% Sémillon, 26% Sauvignon blanc, 2% Muscadelle
  • 6765
    Futures 2023 Barsac
    • Sweet white
    242,40 € incl. VAT

    Doisy-Daëne may never be the sweetest wine in its sector, but its expression and aromatic refinement are unrivalled. A pure Barsac, brilliantly orchestrated by Denis Dubourdieu until 2016. The 2014 vintage was rated 94-96/100 by the Revue du Vin de France « with pure fruit and generous liquor, it is balanced by the finesse and minerality of the soil »; 96/100 for the 2016 vintage « sparkling, crystal-clear fruit, the pure character of the Barsac terroir ».

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-97/100 « D’un exotisme alléchant mais jamais démonstratif (mangue, ananas…), “haute définition”, extrêmement généreux, le fruit prélude à une liqueur intense, offerte, aérienne, d’une grande subtilité. Une fois de plus, le cru de la famille Dubourdieu allie comme nul autre gourmandise, grâce et précision aromatique. »
    Le Point : 17/20 
    « Fruits blancs, pêche jaune, bouche pointe de gaz, vivacité, fruits de la passion, citron, agrumes, finale poivrée. »
    Quarin : 96/100
    «Couleur dorée. Nez intense, fruité, subtil et profond. Touche de poire. Bouche tout en minutie tactile complexe, avec un déroulé haut de gamme, évoluant sans faille sur une note de citron qui pointe en finale. Tout caresse, minutieux, gras, fondant. Ensemble d'une magnifique expression. »
    Galloni : 94-96/100 «The 2023 Doisy-Daëne is all class. Lifted aromatics open first. Delicate and understated in feel, with fine balance, the 2023 has so much to offer. Tangerine peel, passion fruit, mint, apricot and a kiss of sweet spice blossom with a bit of aeration. Doisy-Daëne remains one of the most sublime wines in Barsac and Sauternes. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 «The 2023 Doisy-Daëne, takes time to unfurl on the nose. Notes of lemon curd, dried peach and a touch of marmalade are all nicely defined, developing subtle pithy elements with aeration. The palate is just wonderful. Very harmonious with perfectly judged acidity, it's extremely pure with a tensile finish. This is Barsac in full flight. It will be outstanding once bottled. Bravo! »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    80% Sémillon, 20% Sauvignon
  • 6748
    Futures 2023 Bordeaux dry white
    • Dry white
    103,80 € incl. VAT

    Family property of the Dubourdieu family. Always very bouquety and expressive, round with buttered notes, perfect to accompany a cheese platter.

    See the technical sheet

    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2023 Blanc Sec is stellar and also one of the most distinctive whites of the year. Rich, layered and super-expressive, the Blanc Sec possesses exceptional pedigree and structure. Dried apricot, lemon peel, sage and dried flowers build effortlessly in the glass. The 2023 is seriously intense, yet nothing whatsoever is out of place. It is also an absolute steal. Fabulous. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    100% Sauvignon
  • 6788
    Futures 2023 Graves red
    • Red
    99,00 € incl. VAT

    Dubourdieu property. Unanimously considered as the best and most distinguished of the red Graves, with a grand cru classé grape variety: 2/3 Cabernet Sauvignon and 1/3 Merlot.

    See the technical sheet

    Quarin : 89/100 « Couleur pourpre. Nez aromatique, au fruité mûr. Délicat à l'attaque, savoureux au milieu, avec un corps élancé, le vin évolue sur un joli toucher avant de se tramer en finale sur une longueur normale. »
    Martin : 87-89/100 « The 2023 Clos Floridène has an open, redcurrant, wild strawberry and sous-bois bouquet that needs a little more vigor. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannins. Cohesive with a touch of white pepper and clove toward the finish, this is balanced yet needs a little more brightness and tension. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    75 % Cabernet-Sauvignon, 25 % Merlot
  • 6747
    Futures 2023 Graves dry white
    • Dry white
    99,00 € incl. VAT

    The star of Graves blancs, offering each vintage a very pure and straightforward wine, discreetly woody. It is not surprising to see this regularity in performance, as it is the own property of  Florence & Denis Dubourdieu, hence the name of the wine.

    See the technical sheet

    Quarin : 91/100 « Délicat en entrée de bouche, savoureux au milieu, avec un beau toucher soyeux et une énergie qui lui est propre, ce vin subtil fond au palais, aromatique et long. »
    Galloni : 91-93/100 
    « The 2023 Clos Floridène Blanc is a heady dry white from the Dubourdieu family. Tangerine peel, chamonile, apricot and honeyed notes build in a creamy, layered white that shows the richer side of the year. Readers will find a voluptuous, extroverted wine that will shine at its brightest at the dinner table. »
    Martin : 88-90/100 « The 2023 Clos Floridène Blanc has a lively and well-defined bouquet with yellow fruit, Granny Smith and light stony aromas. The palate is fresh and crisp with grapefruit and orange rind notes. It's a little pithier than its peers, with a slightly resinous finish. Fine. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available early 2026
    62 % Sémillon, 38 % Sauvignon blanc